Monday, 29 April 2013

Glamping // Festival OOTD

 Why hello there! I am back after a mini rethink of this whole blogging game.  After getting increasingly frustrated with catty-ness, copying and craziness (the three C's) I decided to have a sabbatical  A break from the constant checking of my page views.  Not healthy, not cool and soo not me.  I generally try not to give two hoots about what others think and take most things on the chin (while on the inside and to my closest friends I am cursing and generally freaking the fack out).  But recently things have been getting on top of me.  So I have come back with a new attitude and a different take on blogging.  Hopefully it will show....

Here's an outfit post reflective of my new found perspective.  Chilled and positive with a Summer festival vibe, looking forwards and all that jazz. Enjoy.

Lace top/Primark/£5.00 (in the sale)
Flower headband/ Primark/50p (in the sale)
Levis denim jacket/ Stolen from my BF. 

Firstly let me tell you I am well aware I am caressing a weed. It just felt right at the time! Let's just pretend it's a pretty flower as opposed to a dirty great stinking weed! 

Here's a little festival inspired outfit.  This is going to be me this Summer and to be honest for the rest of Spring.  I'm loving flowers in the hair and as for denim jackets, need I say more?  Summer staple alert! 

This play suit is a firm favourite of mine, I've had it years and although it did slightly shrink in the wash (boohoo) I still manage to squeeze myself into it! It's polka dot so I don't think it will ever go out of fashion and it's so versatile, suitable for both Winter and Summer.  Navy is such a lovely colour and I totally don't wear it enough. I need more navy clothes! 

The lace top I added because I love to layer.  It's the perfect Spring to Summer transition, cooler evenings call for a bit of extra coverage on the old shoulders! Cuban heel boots are low so comfortable but still give your legs a bit of extra length and for if you are like me and have legs of the chunkier variety!  

This jacket once washed I would totally wear if BF would let me prise it from him for long enough. I say washed I actually mean fumigated, in the 10 years he has had it, it hasn't been washed ONCE. Inherited from his dad (who for all I know didn't wash it either, eeep) this hasn't seen soap. Considering he roadies and plays in a band....yeah it's pretty stinky! Mmmmm! 

On that note! 

Hopefully you don't mind my little leave of absence.  I think it will do my blog good :) If you have left a comment I will reply ASAP and I am always on Twitter @susytron if you would like to see random bits of my life 60 times a day!



  1. Looking gorgeous as always, love that playsuit! x

  2. Ahh you look lovely, the playsuit is so cute! xx

  3. Love this outfit, the playsuit is gorgeous and you have the most amazing legs ever! xxx

    Maddy from

  4. Glad your back lovely... I love the timeless playsuit, it's beaut!
    Megan xxx

  5. I love how you've layered the top over the play suit. So pretty! I've missed you in the blogging world recently, so glad you're back!

  6. repping the 'Mark - love it! that crown is LUSH, and what a bargain!!

  7. You look absolutely beautiful lady. Love everything about this outfit especially how you layered the lace top over the playsuit.
    I'm so glad you're back :) xx

  8. You all lovely and summery! It's the first time im NOT going to a festival for 5 years, sad times :( but i'll still be rocking the flowery headbands come summer haha
    Glad to see your back, I wondered what happened to you.
    You have a fantastic blog and should be proud, ignore the others!

    sarah xx
